Katonai szaknyelvi témakörök

Katonai szaknyelvi témakörök



  • Services and branches (the main services and the branches of the candidate's military; the candidate's branch of service, its weapons and equipment)
  • Military units (the units of the candidate's service, the unit the candidate serves in, its strength, composition and tasks)
  • Military ranks (the ranks of the candidate's service, the candidate's rank and promotions)
  • Military career (the candidate's career, promotions and professional development)
  • Military uniform (the uniforms in the candidate's military and insignia)
  • Military training (the candidate's military training, military training opportunities)
  • Basic political-military issues (NATO, PFP, UN troops, peacekeeping, joint training exercises, military reforms)



A STANAG 2 szintű vizsga katonai témakörei magukban foglalják a STANAG 1 szintű vizsga témaköreit is, de természetesen ezen a szinten a témakörök magasabb szintű kifejtését várjuk el a szintnek megfelelő nyelvi megoldásokkal.

  • NATO (political goals and basic tasks, strategic concept, NATO enlargement)
  • Peacekeeping (the world's hot spots, participation in peacekeeping/peace support operations, international cooperation)
  • Military reform (reorganization, reduction and modernization of the military force, professional military, military cooperation)
  • Present armed conflicts (wars, conflicts in Europe and other parts of the world, causes of conflicts, conflict prevention)



A STANAG 3 szintű vizsga katonai témakörei magukban foglalják a STANAG 1 és 2 szintű vizsgák témaköreit is, de természetesen ezen a szinten a témakörök magasabb szintű kifejtését várjuk el a szintnek megfelelő nyelvi megoldásokkal.


  • International relations (PFP, NATO, international institutions, joint operations, military exercises)
  • Defence policy (strategic concepts, national military strategy, military doctrines)
  • Defence planning (defence spending, military budget, force planning, force goals)
  • Non-military security challenges (terrorism, other non-traditional threats)
  • Armed conflicts (hot spots, low-intensity conflicts, conflict prevention)
  • Peace support (peacekeeping, peace enforcement, post-conflict reconstruction)
  • Security issues (balance of power, nuclear deterrence, arms control, collective security, regional security issues)
  • Infrastructure (weapon systems, military equipment, military research and development)
  • Military transformation (force restructuring, modernization issues)
  • International military law (Geneva Conventions, war crimes, legality of the use of force)
  • Environmental security (wartime impacts, weapons testing and disposal, other environmental concerns)
  • Military and society (terms and conditions of service, civil-military relations)